Don't ever give up

كول نار

G.M.K Team
Don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Rain becomes more enjoyable if it follows a sunny day
Food become more relishing if for days Hungary you stay
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Gold becomes beautiful ornament by molding and heating
Marble becomes beautiful status by carving and beating
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Pebble becomes smooth by constant rolling
Pencil becomes usable by sharpening
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Keeps Smiling and Mailing
To Keep Me Happy
Please Do That
Yes Today And Not Tomorrow


مراقبة عامة
هور يانعه في بساتين المنتدى نجني ثمارها من خلال الطرح الرائع لمواضيع اروع
وجمالية لا يضاهيها سوى هذا النثر البهي
فمع نشيد الطيور
وتباشير فجر كل يوم
وتغريد كل عصفور
وتفتح الزهور
اشكرك من عميق القلب على هذا الطرح الجميل
بانتظار المزيد من الجمال والمواضيع الرائعه